A blog detailing my recovery from Patella Tendonopathy (tendonitis/tendonosis) and my experience with PRP Injection

Week 1

This time last week I had my first PRP injection. The swelling and tightness has gone quite significantly over the past few days. There is minimal pain, except when I attempt to squat or jump. However, the pre-injection pain has changed and is not as intense. I used to experience a sharp pain in my left tendon when I straightened my leg and flexed my quad muscle, this pain is almost non-existent. There is supposed to be noticeable pain relief between 2 - 4 weeks post PRP injection, which is supposed to continue for up to 6 - 9 months. I already have a reduction in symptoms and at one week I am happy with the results and hope that they will continue to progress.

I have patella tendonosis in both knees, but had the PRP shot in the left knee in order to use the right knee as a control for the purpose of this blog (and science!). I decided on the left knee as the tendinitis was worse in this knee. After the PRP injection the left knee currently feels better than the right knee. The great thing about this is that any pain relief is a direct result of tissue healing and not some other substance (Cortisone, ibuprofen, etc.) simply masking the pain.

My plan is to give it a month and monitor the left knee's tendon's improvement and then have the right knee injected. I will then follow these up with another injection if needed. The challenge for me now will be taking it easy and not pushing it too hard- something I really struggle with, but I have layed off the exercise for the entire week. I will doing some physio rehab and swimming tomorrow. And I have continued to do eccentric dips with the right leg.

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