I had a had shot to my right knee a month earlier, based on the initial success of the PRP Injection in my left tendon. However, my right knee seemed to be in the same boat as the left knee- not much better, but not worse.
I continued to take it easy. I wore a patella tendon strap (cho-pat strap), to support the knees while doing light exercise or walking up and down stairs. I continued with my rehab program of strenghtenin my glutes, hamstrings, calves (I will do another post on this at a lter stage, of my exact rehab protocol- primarily based on Mike Robertson's Bulletproof Knees), I also continued doing light eccentric dips, this was deterined on how my knees were feeling. If they were feeling tender or painful I would rest them and skip the eccentric dips, if they were feeling good I would do sets of 15 until they started hurting.
It was around this two week mark that I started to notice a slight change. I had periods of approx. 3 days were my knee would feel really good, and then a period where it felt really bad (worse than before). Prior to this- the injection- my knee had experience a consistent type of pain. Now this pain started fluctuating between very sore to minimallt marginal.
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