A blog detailing my recovery from Patella Tendonopathy (tendonitis/tendonosis) and my experience with PRP Injection

Monday, September 3, 2012

Month 2

After 2 months my left tendon felt very similar to how it felt prior to the PRP Injection. It was still quite painful and niggly. That inital tightness and feeling of being pain free when jumping or running on th spot, had gone. It appeared as if the tendon had returned to its normal state, without being full of fluid. This was quite strange, as from what I had I read of past patients experiences, their tendon was more pianful after the first few weeks  but there was a noticeable improvement after 2 months. Surely I would be able to notice some benefit by this stage?

I had a had shot to my right knee a month earlier, based on the initial success of the PRP Injection in my left tendon. However, my right knee seemed to be in the same boat as the left knee- not much better, but not worse.

I continued to take it easy. I wore a patella tendon strap (cho-pat strap), to support the  knees while doing light exercise or walking up and down stairs. I continued with my rehab program of strenghtenin my glutes, hamstrings, calves (I will do another post on this at a lter stage, of my exact rehab protocol- primarily based on Mike Robertson's Bulletproof Knees), I also continued doing light eccentric dips, this was deterined on how my knees were feeling. If they were feeling tender or painful I would rest them and skip the eccentric dips, if they were feeling good I would do sets of 15 until they started hurting.

It was around this two week mark that I started to notice a slight change. I had periods of approx. 3 days were my knee would feel really good, and then a period where it felt really bad (worse than before). Prior to this- the injection- my knee had experience a consistent type of pain. Now this pain started fluctuating between very sore to minimallt marginal.

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