Two whole weeks have passed since my own blood was sucked out, spun around and then injected back into my left tendon. The first week my tendon felt a bit swollen, but strangely not too painful. The injection is supposed to take from 2 - 6 weeks to work, and at 2 weeks post-PRP injection my tendon feels kind of where it was before the injection. I have had some good days and some bad days, I have read that this 'roller'coaster' effect is to be expected and slowly there are gradually more 'good' days. My left tendon definitely feels alot harder and firmer than it did before and in comparison to the right tendon. This leads me to believe that some structural change is happening, that the tendon is strengthening and that the collagen is reorganizing correctly. However, after the initial pain relief and the regression back to my previous level of pain I feel slightly disappointed. Although I know I need to give it time and can't make a call on it's success just yet.
I just stumbled on this testimonial on the net, which has given me some hope and encouragement to be patient...
I saw the doctor 4 weeks post procedure and I told him I was very disappointed. I told him that I did not feel any improvement and my patella tendon still felt weak. At the 8 week appointment I told him it might be better but I wasn’t sure. He told me that sometimes it could take up to 6-9 months. He was exactly right. My knee is now 100% better than it was. About 6 months post the injection is when I really noticed the improvement in my knee. I no longer had pain upon jumping or running. I went from not being able to run without pain or discomfort to now I try to run twice a week 3-6 miles and play basketball once a week. It has been a truly amazing turnaround for me that I never thought would happen. For 2 years I dealt with this chronic injury and I never thought I would feel better. I had seen many doctors and lost hope until I found Dr. Michael Shepard.
I have been trying my best not to exercise too heavily, just some swimming and light upper body weights, along with some gentle leg rehab. I will go for a relaxed cycle tomorrow afternoon and see how it feels.
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